Sunday 2 January 2011

Testing Fonts

A font can say a lot about you're magazine and can give your audience a hint as to what theme your magazine is based on- for this reason I must choose it carefully have a reason for using it.
The two used for Anarchy are both very contrasting. The first one in the list very much represents what anarchy is about- it's quite a violent text and none are neat or matching. The second one on the other hand is neat and all the same lettering, but because of it's 'boldness' it stands out and would seem superior to the other text on the page.
I was quite unsure as to what type of font to use for Revival; this was because the connotations are re-born and re-living something so there was many fonts that would give off that impression. I decided to use quite sophisticated fonts but both you can read easily, so it's straight to the point.
I like the font for the first MODist very much because there is a huge emphasis on the 'MOD' part of the word, which would mean my audience would immediately been drawn into it if they were fans. However, I also like the second choice but I think it would be good for a sub-heading.

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