Friday 21 January 2011

Test Shots

These are some of the test shots I got. I only used one person because I was struggling to get a band together at the same time. I chose my friend Rhia to do the modelling for me and used her to create the image of the lead singer of the band. I used her to test how I would have the hair on the shoot- this being quite big hair with a lot of volume, with thick black make up and red lipstick. For the outfits I chose two looks for her to model. The first one was a more feminine looking punk with a polka dot dress and fur coat; I chose these two items because I thought they'd be quite contrasting and not matching. The second outfit was ripped denim shorts and The Clash t shirt with the black jacket and Dr Martens. I am very plased with the shots that I got just for testing and might possibly put one of them on my contents page.

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