Friday 21 January 2011

Practise Editing

I'm not very experienced with Photoshop so I thought I'd have a practise at editing photos and using the tools. On this image I changed the contrast to darker than original, gave Emily darker lips and did this similarly to Harveys eye liner, as well as giving Sam a lip piercing and darkening Jacks earring.

For this image I lowered the opacity to a lower percentage and layered it on top of a brown background. I also added a nose ring to Emily and put the bands name above them.

Obviously I am not pleased with the outcome of either because I don't think they look professional at all, and some of the added extras don't portray the band exactly how I want them. However, this isn't necessarily a bad thing because later on in the task I can show how my skills have improved and it was only my first time so by practising I should only be able to get better!

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