Tuesday 11 January 2011

Band Name

After researching many punk bands- that being the older ones or modern- I have noticed a very common idea that each bands name starts with 'The...' (with the exception of a few). The Clash, The Jam and The Ruts being a good example. As well as this, I also noticed that the majority of the bands name, following 'The' was just a one syllable word. This idea was the beginning of finding a name for my band.

Whilst brainstorming I came up with the following ideas: The Dare, The Push, The Machines, The Young and The Panic. I narrowed it down to two names, those being The Dare and The Panic, and in the end I decided to go with The Panic. I thought this shared better connotations of the genre of my magazine and could maybe add an exclamation mark on the end to emphasise the amount of panic. It's also quite similar to 'anarchy' which as stated in previous posts, was a famous song for punk band The Sex Pistols and could be the name of my magazine. In conclusion, the band in my magazine will be called The Panic!.

I was also unsure as what to be the name of the bands first album; so after I'd browsed the Internet for inspiration, I came up with the idea of  'Part of Being Sane'. I like the idea of this being the album name because it gives the impression to the consumer that by buying and listening to the bands album you'll gain sanity.

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