Friday 21 January 2011

Band Photoshoot

These are just some of the images I took on the day.

I have finally got round to doing my bands photoshoot and I quite pleased with the photos I got. I started off the day with getting everyone needed for the shoot to meet at my friend Emily's house in Enderby. She was going to be the lead singer of the band so I brought some outfits for her to wear. The outfit I chose for her to wear was my The Clash t shirt, a black PVC looking jacket, a denim skirt, lace leggings and Dr . I then had my friend Chris on hand to help with the hair (seeing as though he's a trainee hair dresser I thought I may as well use his talent). He styled her hair so that she had a lot of volume in the hope that she wouldn't lose it all out in the wind. For the makeup I put some think black eyeliner and mascara on her eyes and eye lashes and bright red lipstick, as well as the basic foundation.

The following members of my band were my friends Harvey, Sam and Jack. Unfortunately only Harvey was for the idea of wearing make up and I didn't want to force the other 'band members' to so I saw it as a good opportunity to use photoshop. I had Harvey wearing black eyeliner and volumised hair. His clothing was black Vans and jeans, a denim shirt and underneath a red t shirt with an image of Che Guevara. I thought this was a good idea because he led the Cuban Revolution and it shows rebellion- something punks were famous for. Jack can be seen wearing dark coloured jeans and trainers, with a black and red tartan jacket. Similarly to Harvey he also gave his hair some volume. Sam also did this as well as wearing black jeans and blue vans, with a black and white striped top, black hoodie and black jacket. I think everyone looked the best they could considering no one had any punk styled clothes, but I would have liked to have had more time to experiment with the clothing.

For the shoot I was joined my another friend of mine, Evie. She provided the camera and the various lenses as well as helping with taking photos. I chose to have the photos taken outside because I felt I could create more of an edgy atmosphere. For example, some of the shots were taken next to graffiti or outside an abandoned house; this mis en scene helps to create a more tough look for the band. On another image I was lucky enough to find a house with a union jack on which is a classic symbol for punks, so it worked well with my band. Another one I found good to work with was the 'Keep Clear' sign painted on the road. I chose to have them standing on it because it insinuates that they are 'breaking the rules', however I was hoping the images would turn out better than they have.

Overall I am pleased with the images that I have taken of the band. My personal favourite one would be a choice between the first one in the slide show when they are sitting on the wall, or one of the fish eye lense photos.


  1. Megan.

    In terms of mise en scene you might need to reconsider the locations. if you look at the photoshoots for The Clash, The Ramones, The Sex Pistols etc their backdrops are more often than not very urban or sparse.

    Look into Pennie Smith's photography as she did the Clash.

  2. Experimenting as you are is so valuable, so well done. Already, you can see how you have improved from your prelim. I like the one on the wall so far.
