Tuesday 11 January 2011

Pitch and Evaluation

Overall I believe my pitch went reasonably well. This was due to the content that was in my mood board- I'd like to think it contained enough information for my audience to gain an understanding of what my magazine will be about, where my inspiration came from, as well as what it will consist of. I also thought that I delt with the questions in a professional manner. I think I showed I was confident with my answers because I was able to give a clear explanation as to why I'd chosen certain aspects. However, I think on my moodboard I should have made clear who I was targeting and not have presumed that the audience would guess. It is important for people to know who your target audience is because then they can compare your pitch to whether it's appropriate to whom you are aiming it for.

I was asked about who would be on the front and unfortunately at the time I still hadn't completely decided. I believe I said in the answer I wanted a strong punk looking band with a mixture of girls and boys- this idea I am going to stick to.

Another question was about how I would get my magazine to appeal to the punks that grew up in that era as well as younger people who have a passion for the music. This was quite a difficult question to answer because I have to make sure I get my marketing techniques completely correct otherwise I could end up losing half of my target audience. To be able to do this I have made the decision that my magazine will be called Anarchy. I made this decision because I think people from the 70's and 80's will immediately recognise the name if they are aware it's a punk magazine because they'll think of the classic band The Sex Pistols. This should support the idea of original punks and hope that the new bands that will feature in the magazine will share similarities.

1 comment:

  1. Now you've done your pitch you have to write up how you feel it went, did you learn anything from the feedback from the group (things you hadn't considered, issues you will face etc)?

    You also need to go about creating your artist, think about their personality, their dress sense etc.

    Also start considering poses, outfits etc

    Well done so far. Yours is one of the best blogs in the class, as was your presentation.
