Monday 27 December 2010

Magazine Title

After having a long think about the name for my magazine, and sticking closely to the genre, I have come up with three possible ideas of the name my magazine could go by...

The first idea is 'Revival'. This stems from the idea that the magazine will be brining back the genre of punk and it's a revival. I would hope this would cause my audiences eye to be captured due to two factors on the page- the iconic and attention grabbing punk image, as well as the name. The name should then hopefully lead them to think that the magazine is a revival of punk music.

My second idea is 'Anarchy'. This idea came from the well known band The Sex Pistols track called Anarchy in the UK. I would hope that my target audience would recognise this because there isn't much else the work 'anarchy' assosiates with.

My third idea is to call my magazine 'Modist'. The word 'Modist' is not a mis spelling of 'modest' but in fact a play on words of being a MOD. I would have the 'MOD' part in bold and in capitals because you would immediately know what the magazine would be about. However, if I am to call it this I may need to change the theme to MOD's aswell as punk.

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